Sep 28, 2022 | Gen Z Insights, Statistics Snapshot
Email vs SMS: How Gen Z Prefers to Engage with Brands It’s time for another round of versus. Today the question is: how does Gen Z prefer to engage with brands? Is it all about the emails? The text messages? We did a study with 122 Gen Z respondents ages 18-25 who...
Sep 7, 2022 | Gen Z Insights, Statistics Snapshot
How Representation Affects Hispanic Gen Zers Favorite Media Properties ¡Vamos! We’re going to jump into everything we learned from our recent survey with Hispanic Gen Zers on their media consumption. No boring stats here. Leave the aburrimiento behind. And no more...
Sep 7, 2022 | Gen Z Insights, Statistics Snapshot
How Representation Affects Black Gen Zers Favorite Media Properties What do Ariana Grande, Criminal Minds, and ESPN have in common? We’ll let you ponder on that one. No, it’s not a trick question. If you’ve had your coffee this morning, you’re probably rolling your...
Mar 17, 2022 | Gen Z Insights, Statistics Snapshot
Statistics Snapshot: How Gen Z Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day It’s St. Patrick’s Day, everybody, and you know what that means! Time to head to mass and maybe attend a nice traditional céili with your immediate family before enjoying a delicious lenten meal of fish...
Mar 15, 2022 | Gen Z Insights, Statistics Snapshot, Voice of Consumer Insights
Statistics Snapshot 3 Things to Know About Gen Z Women & Online Shopping We’ve had retail on the brain lately. It’s not like you can blame us, since we just wrapped up our massive 2022 Gen Z vs Millennial Apparel & Fashion Report. It’s pretty heavy on...
Feb 8, 2022 | Gen Z Insights, Statistics Snapshot, Voice of Consumer Insights
Gen Z Video Insights 3 Things We Learned About Gen Z & Premium Liquor The most expensive premium liquor that you could (in theory, but perhaps not in practice) buy right now is Isabella’s Islay, a single malt Scotch whisky. For just 120,024 payments of...