How the Aluminum Association Perfected Brand Messaging through Qual + Quant At Scale

Learn how The Aluminum Association used Knit’s insights to refine messaging, improving consumer awareness and industry engagement in just a week.

Partnership Overview

The Aluminum Association is a trade association representing aluminum products and jobs in the US. It’s the collective voice for companies that make 70% of the aluminum and aluminum products shipped in North America. One of its focuses is conducting research on behalf of aluminum companies and suppliers to grow the U.S. aluminum industry in a sustainable way. 

In late 2024, The Aluminum Association wanted to understand the market through consumers’ eyes. The association needed insight into general perceptions around the environment, recycling, the aluminum industry, rival materials, and more. 

This data would inform their new messaging strategy, which they hoped would improve the market positioning of aluminum in North America. 

A tall order. And one with far-reaching implications. The Aluminum Association hadn’t run research in a long time – they’d largely relied on internal knowledge to guide messaging decisions in the past. But this time, they wanted a partner who could give them up-to-date, deep consumer insights. Fast. 

How we helped

Methodology Overview

Nailing the messaging for aluminum in North America would require an incisive look at consumer perceptions across a number of related and relevant topics. Each respondent was asked to:

• Identify general perceptions about the environment and recycling
• Compare perceptions of aluminum against rival materials
• Describe level of interest in working in the aluminum industry
• Identify awareness and perceptions of the aluminum industry and peer industries
• Identify perceptions of the environmental impact and efforts of the aluminum industry and peer industries
• Provide qualitative responses on messaging resonance and barriers to recycling

Throughout the process, Matt Meehan, Aluminum Association Vice President of External Affairs, partnered with Knit’s team of dedicated researchers to interpret data and clarify insights.

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By the numbers

Knit analyzed hundreds of qual and quant insights, including 228 Voice of Consumer videos, to deliver a full analysis report in a matter of days. 

Why It Matters

In just over a week, the Aluminum Association had the deep consumer insights they needed to improve their messaging — a strategic marketing decision that would affect thousands of manufacturers and suppliers. 

The association was able to:

  • Understand how aluminum compares to rival materials, including steel and glass
  • Identify the terms consumers associate with aluminum, which include "recyclable" and “affordable”
  • Identify a need for increased recycling education and initiatives 
  • Identify a need to increase public awareness and engagement with the aluminum industry
  • Find out where respondents source their news and information to guide marketing efforts
  • Identify consumer beliefs regarding sustainability in the aluminum industry 
  • Assess the efficacy of messaging around the aluminum industry’s impact on economic and national security

The Aluminum Association used these and other insights to fine-tune their messaging. 

Now, the association is better positioned to effectively convey the utility, environmental benefit, and positive economic impact of investing in North American aluminum. Better still, they know exactly which marketing channels to use to circulate this message.

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