Knit CEO Featured in Austonia Piece on Austin’s Gen Z Workers
Local news outlet Austonia recently caught up with Knit CEO, Aneesh Dhawan for a spotlight piece on what’s drawing the next generation of workers — Gen Z — to work and live in Texas’ capital from all over the country.
It’s hard to think of a better source for the piece, and that’s not just coming from us. From the article:
“Knit CEO Aneesh Dhawan may have the most insight of all into the Gen Z mindset: a Zoomer himself, he moved from Virginia to Austin in 2019 to help Gen Z’ers connect with social causes while helping companies align with the values of America’s future.”
Get Dhawan’s take on why Austin feels like such a good fit for a completely unique generation and read the full piece, Who is Gen Z? Zoomers flock to Austin, ditching their 9-5 in pursuit of passion, at:
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