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Large Grocery Retailer quickly uncovers Gen Z consumer trends at the start of COVID

The Challenge

Entering the start of the COVID-pandemic, this large grocery retailer was looking to prepare itself for a rapid adoption of its digital products and a shift in consumer trends. The client needed access to Gen Z consumers’ food purchasing & consumption and digital habits, and they needed them fast, planning to use the findings to rapidly adapt to the pandemic across its in-store and digital offerings.

Goal Fulfilled in under 2 Weeks

Within 2 weeks of the survey launch, the Knit user network fulfilled the full response target determined by the initial SOW, driving over 100 real in-home videos by Gen Z college students and over 200 total survey responses.

Video Responses

How We Helped

Optimizing Surveys for Real Customer Stories & Insights

In order to provide insights and color beyond traditional quant market research, Knit helped optimize the client’s surveys to ensure results would lead towards detailed customer storytelling opportunities. The Knit team introduced both hyperlocal and deeply targeted quant questions, along with “day-in-the-life” video questions to so that the client research team could have a full grasp of true consumer behaviors.

Comparative Market Sampling

Looking to gather comparative insights, the Client activated at two target markets: one metropolitan-based and one in a large rural college town. Knit helped deliver on the  hyperlocal size, scale, and distribution needed to ensure that they would obtain the desired representative of each campus.

In-Home Video Research

Through each survey response, Knit users provided real-time access to their homes and food purchasing & consumption habits during the COVID-pandemic. Each user submitted 15-30 sec videos, uncovering their pantries, fridges, freezers and food prep spaces for the client research team.

Seamless Tagging & Sharing
of Key Insights

In order to make key insights digestible and accessible to all client stakeholders, Knit’s Insights Dashboard allowed for the category tagging, customized report downloading, and sharing capabilities needed to drive quick and comprehensive decision-making. (Dashboard below is a sample report to protect client data obtained)

The Results

Acknowledging the study and insights provided as a huge success, the grocery retailer team used its findings to guide Gen Z marketing and digital product decisions.

Further research done by PurPics, uncovered key Gen Z consumer behaviors accelerated by the pandemic: 1) an increase in Gen Z’s  propensity to cook from home and stockpile on grains & pastas, fruits and frozen meats 2) an unexpectedly low frequency of grocery delivery and takeout in the early days of the pandemic 3) a shift towards meat-alternatives, vegan and vegetarian diets and low-calorie beverage options post-pandemic.

Schedule a Demo to see how Knit can help

Reach out to our team to learn how our Gen Z Insights platform can deliver on-demand quant & qual insights to guide your current and future campaigns.

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